Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wild Animals Don't Get Fat

And that's beautiful. It's in the elegance of necessity--form following function. Lack of excess is so gorgeous. Where is beauty for you? I feel it in the unchecked openness of small children; in the dizzy bliss of sleep deprivation or the first few drinks where the self I often edit and supress flows so easily; drinking water and not soda; raw and steamed vegetables not roasts and sautees. Keep me close to the world as it cannot help but be, and my soul will shout YESYESYES reawakened to the ecstasy of this existence.

When I am envying eagles and bears, confused and depressed by the excesses of civilization, beauty feels so far away. Still civilization (like cyanide) is also natural and therefore necessary and faultless. What am I seeking? More good feelings and a deeper connection. I feel the universe so much more when I am closer to its simpler state.
Let me bike and use my body--wilderness commute! Drop me unsuspecting into the deafening quiet of a forest--my mind changes. I smile and sing. Show me the rainbow galaxies above me--my big life also so so small. Remind me where and what I come from, and I will remember I am so glad to be alive.

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